Fiona Tait
Portrait of James Watt in pencil and chalk, possibly drawn by Gregory Watt.
MS 3219/8/4
Reproduced with the permission of the Library of Birmingham.
Fiona Tait worked as an archivist for Birmingham City Council for thirty years before retiring in 2015. She was appointed to the Archives of Soho Project in 2000 to re-catalogue the papers of James Watt and Family, and has retained a particular interest in all things related. She contributed to the exhibition planning group and publications for the Matthew Boulton 2009 celebration.
Select publications:
‘How do we know what we know? The Archives of Soho’, in Matthew Boulton: Selling what all the world desires. [ed. Mason] London: Yale University Press. 2009.
‘Coinage, commerce and inspired ideas: the notebooks of Matthew Boulton’, in Matthew Boulton: a Revolutionary Player, [ed. Dick] Studley: Brewin Books. 2009.